
Businesses are running a rat race to become the leading emperor of the digital-driven realm. With the change in technology the end consumer’s behavior also changes in the online world. In 2011, Google provided a phrase Zero Moment Of Truth – it is the time in the buying cycle when the user is searching for the product.  Therefore, your website content must be able to interact on your behalf with the user to compel them to click on to the “Buy Now or Add to cart button”

If you are not cognizant about the appealing content that should be published on-site to make it compellingly appear at the numerous stages of the buying cycle then this is where the search intent serves the purpose.

An overview of search intent for SEO

It is needless to mention that search intent is essential to run successful SEO campaigns

Andrei Broder stated that search intent can be wrecked down into three different types

  • Informational Searches
  • Transactional Searches
  • Navigational Searches

So, now the important question arises how does it work the best for the SEO campaign? To answer this question let’s assume that you are doing SEO for the fictional e-commerce store that sells appliances. The example will help you comprehend how three different types of search intent are crucial for an SEO campaign.

 Informational searches

These are generic searches mostly done by the crowd who want to learn about the subject matter but are not convinced to convert yet.

 The FAQ’s are general and they are

  • How do you clean the appliances?
  • How to operate the appliance naturally?
  • What is the size of the appliances (say any fridge or oven)?

With people asking queries, Google starts to show the concern more and more, for the marketers it is easy to capitalize and identify these keywords. Although the feasibility for conversion in the journey of the searches at this point is less, these are just the queries. This sort of content may prove rewarding for your audience but it only allows you to put the brand in front of the target audience.  However, if you consistently feed your website with informative content for such queries your site starts ranking for frequently asked questions raised by the audience. This way you are one step ahead of your competitors.

Nothing is collateral more content you optimize for such queries there are chances to improve your business rank on SERPs.

Transactional searches

The searches related to the business product and services done by the organic traffic that Google brought to your site. In such searches, the conversion rate is high because the user is on the verge to make the payment for the product and service that you sell. If we return to the previous example where the product was electronic appliances, to sell the product content should be having call-to-action

  • Buy now washing machine at best price
  • Best washing machine for under $1000
  • Buy online

The transactional searches are going to leap ahead over the informational searches when you begin to optimize your business website.

Navigational searches

These searches are easy to comprehend and contribute less in the way of optimization. These search intents are made when the user has a clear vision of where to invest the money (usually a renowned brand).

How does search intent connected to Google?

No big surprise that SERP has been handling the intent and how to serve the purpose and provide the best results for some time now. Below it is defined how Google defines three types of searches

The break-ups of the searches are:

Know – informational searches

Do – transactional searches

Go – navigational searches

Google has expressively taken Andrei Broder’s theory and split it down into three simple words by using know, do, and go as the major part of your research, you can make a list of the keywords by intent by making all the searches actionable.

Meet Keyword Keg

The Keyword Keg has gained popularity for around for only a few years but has made some collective strides and has become one of the go-to keyword search tools and techniques.

Here is the process to use search intent and bucketing queries

Firstly enter the seed keywords into the search box

After providing the seed keywords another window will allow you to choose a country, language, and APIs.

The combination of the API and the preferred choices will let you choose among know, go, and do searches.

Finally, you can fix the kind of result you want. After a few minute back you will have results having all the attributes that you expect to see in a modern keyword tool:

  • Value
  • CPC
  • SEO Difficulty
  • Keyword Power
  • CTR Scope
  • Trends
  • Competition
  • Volume

From this point, you need to take data and export it into excel. Then format the data maintained in the spreadsheet to make it more appealing and actionable.

At this point, most of the marketer leaves the keyword search, but this the point to bucket your intent. If you glance over the spreadsheet you will get the results like

  • Total Local Listings
  • Total Fresh Listings
  • Total News Listings
  • Total Image Listings
  • Snippets
  • Knowledge Graph

When you are in the ongoing process of filtering the column of the knowledge graph, you will find the search queries that can fall into the GO bucket. For a reckoned brand, these sorts of search queries you need to ensure you rank for. To expand the bucket size you can use tools like Ubersuggest or Semrush. On the other hand, filter the snippets column to figure out the kind of queries organic traffic is using for the Know intent. You now also have the bucket of the queries that highlight a few kinds of snippets in the results. It is the best way to analyze the search volume and check whether your site can rank for it or not.

This is only a few minutes of the work, which will allow you to collect the information that you would be requiring to help your prospects at the start of their purchasing journey. By filtering result column you can pull data for the Do queries. The process of flittering is simple and allows you to divide your researches into the buckets for multiple categories on your site and the services you sell in the competitive market.

Research hard and spend some good time researching Know, Do, and Go queries to create the content that puts your best foot in front of the end consumers at all stages of the purchase cycle.


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