Mobile first Index

With the announcement of Mobile first Index, there is brouhaha of how this will work or what actually it means. There are many searches happen on mobile phones; this is why Google wants the index and results to represent the majority of their users who are, indeed, mobile searchers.
By rolling out new mobile first index, Google intends to create and rank its search listings based on the version of mobile and even for the listings that are visible to desktop users.
With this addition, many things are changing with listings and rankings.

There are so many questions and confusions due to this addition. Some of the basic questions are wrapped up altogether for your convenience.

Things that are changing

You may see some serious impacts in the performances of mobile and desktop. Apart from this, impacts can be seen on businesses that don’t usually get large amount of mobile traffic and who may have no prioritized mobile site friendliness.

Mobile first index Google will enhance and hinder many things to its users, be it mobile users or desktop. Google with this change has started the mobile version as primary search index.
Google crawl the web from a desktop browser and now, Google is about to change the crawl from a mobile version view.

How and in what situations you may affected

There are many situations in which you may be affected with the change announced by Google. If you have a mobile or desktop site which is not responsive and s flagged by not mobile friendly by Google, then you may be affected.

In such case, you at probably at risk of losing mobile traffic as well as desktop traffic. You can look for emergency measures to lower this problem.

Pages can also be affected and those pages, which have mobile version don’t include the same content as desktop.
Affects on Rankings

After the announcement, many people asked the question if this change will affect the Google rankings in a big way or not. The announcers said that this change may not affect the overall rankings. Also, they want indexing to not to have a great impact on the rankings. Therefore, there wouldn’t be any huge change in the rankings.

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Differentiated Mobile and Desktop Sites

The main part in mobile first index is the separation of desktop and mobile site. This means that if any content is shown on desktop view then mobile Googlebot will not see it and also, won’t end up in mobile first index.

This problem is to be solved by Google and also, faced by many publishers.

There is no officially announcement about the meaning and consequences of Mobile first index by Google. So, it would be hard to give accurate results of the changes that may occur. All you can do is waiting for the execution of mobile first index but you can still figure out few obvious changes that are supposed to affect to the audience or users.


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