Google announced about parallel tracking implementation by 2018. It is now expected that all AdWord accounts will have parallel tracking starting from October 30, 2018. This is an improvement towards sales, as advertisers will get visitors faster on their respective landing pages. The time between clicking on an ad and reaching the landing page determines the velocity of a visitor, which is expected to increase significantly with parallel tracking.
The upcoming concept of parallel tracking will have a click tracker in the background, unlike the present one that runs in the middle. Taking the tracker into the background will load the landing pages several seconds faster, thereby resulting in increased conversions.
At present, when you click on an advertisement, a click measurement takes place after which you reach on the respective landing page. This takes a little time and delays a visitor to reach the final destination. However, the performance will improve with parallel tracking. It will speed up the web as per the commitment made by Google. For this reason, Google is making parallel tracking a compulsion for all AdWords accounts.
This will help businesses in meeting customer expectations, as the visitors prefer a quick landing page over others. According to the research, a delay of one second in page loading reduces conversions by a straight 20%. Where at present a visitor takes hundreds of milliseconds to reach a website, with parallel tracking they will be able to head to a website immediately.
When a website loads more quickly, it engages more visitors in a short span of time; as a result, it increases conversions for your business. Thus, parallel tracking is about to bring a positive change for e-commerce. Along with this change, Google will also introduce changes to improve security. One change in this context is to redirect clicks to HTTPS if it is mentioned in site preferences.
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